Freight Pay & Auditing Services
Local Regional National
Premier Logistics assets consist of late model dry vans, flat beds, and liftgates. These truckload options fulfill client specifications on each load tendered to the company. Premier Logistics supports full truckload needs on a local, regional, and national scale.
Billing Accuracy
Premier Logistics offers Freight Bill & Auditing Services to all clients. Premier Logistics has the legal ability to search six months of past invoices to identify billing accuracy and find any potential mistakes made by billing clerks. This process ensures that your organization is spending transportation dollars wisely.​
Streamlining Activity
The audit process ensures payment of accurate amounts owed to carriers for all LTL shipments that are tendered. Industry records show that LTL carrier billing errors range between 2% to 10%, year-over-year. Premier Logistics’ Freight Bill Payment services can streamline activity within client accounting departments, increasing capacity to perform and complete other critical internal tasks.​